
News 2021
LKA 2021
Last show of 2021 is LKA, which is held at the NEC in Birmingham on 11th December 2021
Taking with me Storm and Bolt
Both boys now in the Open Dog Class as they are both Champions!
Thank you to Lavinia for handling Storm in the class and gaining a very credible 3rd place.
But the star of the day was Bolt. He won the Open class and then the Dog CC, not finished there, he challenged the bitch to win 'Best Of Breed'!
A fab end to an eventful year!

Scottish ESS Club Show 2021
Saturday 13th November, I make the long drive to Scotland to compete in the Scottish ESS Championship Show.
Our judge for the day, Mrs Susan Aston (Tasa) a breed specialist
Taking with me Bolt and Storm. Unfortunately as they are both now Show Champions, they are in the same class. Delighted that Olivia stepped in to show Storm, and a fab jobs she did as well
Bolt was the star, winning the RDCC & Best Black & White in show
Border Union 2021

Monday 4th October at Border Union Championship Show - a day to remember
Our judge was Ms Sandy Hall, a breed specialist, and on a wet day in the Scottish Borders, Bolt was awarded his 3rd and Crowning CC
He can now be known as:
Show Champion Meadowdale Daisydale Lightning Bolt - how fab is that

Scottish Kennel Club 2021
National Gundog 2021

Darlington 2021
18th September 2021, a wonderful day at Darlington Championship Show
Storm wins the DCC and Best of Breed
This is his 8th CC
Lovely to meet up with his sister 'Meadow' (Show Champion Meadowdale Jedi of Hanknight) to get a photo of them both
Sunday 3rd October 2021 we had 2 championship shows on the same day!
Show 1 our judge was Dr B Scourgie a breed specialist, Storm ( Sh Ch Meadowdale Storm Trooper) won the RDCC and Meadow (Sh Ch Meadowdale Jedi of Hanknight) won the RBCC
Show 2 our judge was Mr K S Wilberg, and was thrilled when he awarded Bolt (Meadowdale Daisydale Lightning Bolt) the DCC, his 2nd
A lovely day at National Gundog Champ Show on 1st August 2021
'Bolt' - Meadowdale Daisydale Lightning Bolt wins the RCC to add to his CC already won

Bath 2021

What a fabulous day it turned out to be for Lavinia and 'Meadow'
Bath Championship Show on 31st July 2021
Meadow wins the Limit bitch class, and then wins the BCC & BOB. Her 3rd making her a Show Champion.
Thank you to breed specialist Kirst Miller the judge for the day
Southern Counties 2021
Meadow is now
Show champion

Our first Championship Show for 16 months was Southern Counties on 26th June 2021
Taking Storm (Sh Ch Meadowdale Storm Trooper) & Bolt (Meadowdale Daisydale LIghtning Bolt)
Turned out to be a very hot day
Bolt won the Graduate Class, and Storm was 2nd in Open
Bolt delighted us by winning the DCC and later taking 'Best of Breed', Thank you to our judge Mrs Kelly Jenkinson (Eastriding)
He was then shortlisted down to the last few dogs in a huge Gundog Group, by well known judge Mr Frank Kane
Below a video of the 'Best of Breed' challenge
Video of the 'Best of Breed' challenge
Bolt's progeny also had a fab day
His son - Beresford Bolt from the Blue, won 'Best Puppy in Breed'
His daughter - Peasblossom Zoya won 'Best Junior in Breed'
Photo to the right is Bolt winning the DCC & BOB
Sh Ch Beresford Night Class winning the BCC & BOS

Left, is Bolt and his son Beresford Bolt from the blue, who won 'Best Puppy'
Right is Anna, Peasblossom Zoya his daughter, who won 'Best Junior'